Winning Life

On Tuesday the 16th of December I was given the great privilege of being a guest on the blog talk radio show “Wining Life Through Pain”. The host of this show is the lovely Coach Marla Martindale, the first ever certified RSD Life Coach. She is a beautiful woman of courageous spirit and she holds an amazing amount of wisdom within. She also has a wonderful co-host, Christ Tatevosian, author of the book “Life Interrupted, It’s Not All About Me” and a man of great wisdom and humility as he lives with Multiple Sclorosis.

The radio show that I participated in focused predominantly on my efforts in the area of Suicide Prevention, in particular in the community of people who struggle with Chronic Pain. I share my story of battling with Depression and a diagnosis of Fibromyalgia, as well as a candid recollection of my suicide attempt in August of 2006. I also provide some helpful resources and information regarding suicide prevention from the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention.

My hope and prayer is that this show will help others who struggle with these issues and also help others who might know someone who is severely depressed, suffers from chronic pain/illness or might be at risk for a suicide attempt. Maybe, just maybe, this radio show will give helpful, preventative information, and encourage others to see that there is light outside of the darkness of depression. My life and experience is proof of just that!

If you would like to listen to this particular show, (please do!) you can find it at , along with other recorded/archived shows Coach Marla has hosted that you might find interesting, after all, who doesn’t want more information on how to win life through pain?

I also highly recommend checking out co-host Chris Tatevosian’s web-site, ,where you can learn about his story and also purchase his book, “Life Interrupted, It’s Not All About Me”.  I am in the process of reading the book, (I just began today and am about half-way through it!), and I can already personally recommend it for anyone who has chronic pain or a chronic illness and wants to have healthy relationships in the midst.

I am just thrilled that I was given this gift of sharing my story in a public way in the hopes that I might be able to comfort someone else or provide important information that will help in the effort to prevent suicide! It is an important cause, every 16 minutes someone dies from a suicide attempt in the United States. Please take this issue seriously and learn how to help prevent this from happening to someone you know or love.

written 12.21.08

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