I Choose to Live

Those are some pretty powerful words aren’t they?

“I choose to live.”

How many of us have to make that choice? How many of us have ever been faced with even contemplating that choice? I think so many go through life without ever feeling like it is even in question. But then again, many of us know… we know a kind of pain and agony that has at times made life, well, a choice that we have to make. Choosing to live in the face of terror, in the face of pain… that’s big stuff. I sound a bit dramatic now, but that really is it. When you suffer with unrelenting pain of any kind, you must choose. Sometimes you choose daily. Sometimes you choose each moment. But you keep choosing until you don’t have to think about choosing any longer.

I am blessed to be the recipient of a most meaningful award, the I Choose to Live Award!

As I have said before when I have received an award, I am honored. This one feels especially powerful to me though. Just the simple recognition that I choose to live, and that I continue to do so, despite the challenges of mental health issues, despite chronic pain (fibromyalgia), receiving this feels very rewarding. Sometimes being acknowledged is the most powerful thing we can do for another.

Earlier today I posted on facebook that I have been receiving so much goodness from the world today, it feels unbalanced, I feel like I am a bit too often on the receiving end. I hope to sprinkle some more goodness around to the lives of others. Like Jennifer, the creator of this award, says on her blog, Suicidal No More,” there is hope“. It is always my goal to share that hope and remind others of the hope that exists.

If you are reading this, then please share the message of hope with others who may be struggling. Together we can get through so much better than we can alone.

4 thoughts on “I Choose to Live

  1. I feel like I make that choice every day, and it seems wierd that I am conscious of that and so many people aren’t. Keep on making that positive choice!

  2. Thank you for such a beautiful post about that award. I created it for exactly the reasons you mentioned – we do need to choose to triumph over the urge to die, give up, quit, and sometimes that means one minute at a time, little by little, step by step, choosing to stay alive.

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